Broda shaggy Facebook account got blocked and was crying bitterly..


if you have any close friends in the bank). But if you don't have, then act wisely to avoid getting burst.
How they do the Transfer once they have your Information
 Internet Banking
 Cheque Scam
I will be explaining most of these methods very soon. If you will like to know more, please keep dropping your comments and tell me things you will like me to write on soon.
The Message Method to hack bank account using BVN
Most times you would see some specific text messages telling you that
"You need to update your BVN or your account will be blocked. Call 080xxxxxxxxxx to help you update it."
That is also another method you can use to get your client's details and how to hack a bank account and withdraw money. In this situation, you would need to get the following;
 A bulk SMS application.
 Phone numbers of people (you can buy from people who sell)
 A laptop (where you can make instant transactions)
 A card verification software (to know if the card number you are collecting is correct)
 Internet connection.
How do you do it then?
 You open the bulk SMS website and type in this message;
"This is a notification from the Central Bank that account is currently being hacked. To secure your money, please call Mr. Taiwo (Your account manager) on 080xxxxxxxxxx to assist you further."
 Then you send it to the phone numbers you've bought from people.
Then you wait for responses.
Some ignorant ones will start calling to check if it is true, you have to sound like a professional. There are three things you would need to collect from them;
 Card number
 Expiry date
 CVC (the number at the back of their ATM).
Once you have all these, just tell them you will get back to them and assist them further. All you have to do is go online and start buying whatever you need to buy online.
Through a payment gateway (like Paystack), you transfer their money and re-transfer it to your account.
Job Done!!!
The disadvantage of this method is that people are becoming wiser about giving out their details to anyone who sends them messages. So it might not work again.
[b]The Banking Trojan Method
[/b]This is another brilliant way to hack a bank account for those who can develop applications. It is a very simple way to get information about users who use bank apps to make transactions. Let me show you the steps to use the bank trojan to hack any bank account.
1. You will create a mobile application replica of any bank in Nigeria (Just make it look similar)
2. Now you will host the mobile application on the internet. You might not be able to host the application on the Google Play Store because they will block the application.
3. The application will have a back end, where you will receive the login details of everybody that download the application.
Once you have their log in details, you can go ahead and download the main application and access their accounts from the real application.Conclusion
This is not how to become a yahoo boy, so you will need to practice and practice until you become perfect at what you do.
I will still add more information to this; if you are confused about how to start, you can ask questions in the comment section, and I will reply and explain to you.
If you have any question or need any help contact me on

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